Your blog this week is a free write. My goal for this week is to simply check in with you and to see how you are doing. "Please let me know how you feel you are doing in the class so far. Is there anything that you are struggling with? Is there anything you would like to learn about that we haven't learned yet? What are some things that you have learned from this class? How are you planning to put these things to use in your teaching? Is there anything I can do as a teacher to better support your learning?"
I think that I am doing pretty well in the class so far. The toughest thing for me is managing my time. I get all of the assignments done on time but I feel as though I need to work the most on creating my website, along with the lesson plan and imove. My portaportal project has been going along pretty good and I think the sources I have for my final project will really help a lot. I’m not sure if its correct, but I have been putting examples of lesson plans on the section as well as the PEI’s. I need to continue work on creating my webpage as well.
I enjoy the way the class is going so far. My favorite project so far was the garage band project. I loved way that you can create your own songs with all of the different loops. I am glad that we went over this application in class because I have it on my laptop. Prior to taking the class, the only thing I knew to do with garage band was create ring tones. After figuring out how to work the program I have actually made a few songs after the class in my free time (but I probably should have been working on other homework….) I also am looking forward to getting my imove set up into place. Other than that, I think that the class is going pretty well.
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